Saturday, March 19, 2022

Expect the Unexpected


Expect the Unexpected

L.M Owens

They turned and hurried back down the steps. “I can’t believe you forgot your purse! Now we might miss the movie!” moaned Sandy frustratedly as they pounded down the street, rain drumming a violent tattoo on Jackie’s exposed neck. “I knew I should’ve kept my hair down!” Jackie cursed, covering her drenched skin with her hands in an instinctive attempt to shield herself from the rain. Sandy grumbled something in response, focusing most of her concentration on not slipping on the puddle strewn ground, the lashing rainstorm causing a chaos of ripples on the surface of each. “Here!” shouted her companion a moment later “I told you it wouldn’t take long, didn’t I?” “Oh for goodness’ sake! Just go and get your handbag!” interrupted Sandy shaking her hair to rid herself of water droplets like a wet dog. Jackie rolled her eyes and sprinted into her house.

“Come along then.” Said Jackie jovially as she ran back from the house, in a perfect imitation of Sandy’s most irritated voice - though winking at the same time, “We don’t want to be late.”

The lights shone dimly like fireflies as the two girls searched for their seats in the rapidly filling cinema. Clutching popcorn and sweets for the film, Jackie and Sandy shimmied through the sea of knees to their spot in the last row. Just as they sat down the room was plunged into darkness. There were audible gasps and shushing as the huge screen flashed into life. As the many adverts droned on, Jackie whispered, “I’ve seen her somewhere.” “Who?” asked Sandy dropping her voice and looking around curiously. “Her, the lady in front of us – the one with the glasses.” replied Jackie nodding at a woman with thick spectacles, a ludicrously high bun placed at the top of her head and a plain tweed dress - completely at odds with the crimson high heels bedecked with a large ornamental rose, which would look more fitting for a visit from the queen. Sandy studied her for a few minutes. “I haven’t seen her before.” she eventually said, nonplussed. “We go everywhere together. I think if you knew her then I would remember such an odd looking woman too. And I don’t. The only time you did something without me was when you and your parents watched this movie.” Sandy was convinced that Jackie was imagining it because she had never seen the funny looking woman in her life. Jackie sat wonderingly, pondering the lady and screwing up her face in thought. Suddenly she was jerked out of her reverie as Sandy gasped excitedly, “Ohh! Jackie! Its starting!”

The whole crowd was riveted to the movie – they couldn’t take their mesmerised eyes off it. Jackie found it harder and harder to contain herself. She was like a squawking parrot who wouldn’t shut up. “Oh look!” Jackie would say pointing at a grizzled looking man who just appeared on screen. “Not to give any spoilers but keep watching him - you won’t expect this!” “Jackie. The point of a thriller is to not expect things when they happen!” Sandy would hiss vehemently in Jackie’s ear.

It was a tense watch - full of betrayals and backstabbers. Sandy’s eyes were so wide that you could see the whites all round the iris, as she watched the murderer shroud herself in a cloak of innocence.

 Without warning the lady in front of them stood up, with a purposeful look on her marble features. She strode through the rows with a cold look of determination and clicked her tongue at the unfortunates who had to stand up to let her pass. “Ohh!” keened Jackie furiously, “Sit down can’t she? It’s about to come to the best bit!” There was angry muttering and craning of necks as the stony figure obstructed people’s view.

A few minutes after she had departed, the screen zoomed in on a familiar looking hallway. A tall lady crept into the frame. It was obvious to Sandy that this woman lacked any dress sense whatsoever. Who had even heard of a green dress with red shoes!? She tiptoed across the room and concealed herself behind a door leading into other rooms. A glint of sharp silver was visible in her hand. All was silent. A short squat man wearing a purple waistcoat that bulged slightly at the edges entered the corridor. His hand was clasped around the concealed handle of a gun. He was waiting on someone. He took another tentative step forward, which was the hidden figure’s cue to pounce.

“My goodness,” said Sandy as the two girls exited the cinema that was now flooded with light. “What a terrifically terrifying film!” “I know” grinned Jackie “brilliant wasn’t it.” “SOMEONE!? QUICK! PHONE AN AMBULANCE!” yelled a loud voice from the entrance hall. There were terrified screams and indistinguishable shouts. Jackie and Sandy stared in horror. Their blood ran cold. What just happened? They raced to the large entrance hall. A man dressed in an old fashioned purple waistcoat lay in a pool of blood with a dagger buried in his chest. Sandy pointed shakily at a tall lady walking down the steps, a casual smirk crossing her face as she watched the crowd congregating around the dead man, with callous indifference. “Jackie. I was wrong,” said Sandy faintly, “You weren’t imagining it.”

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