Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Vote for Basil

  I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded for so long! I really wanted to write a new Basil story so... here we are! Anyway, this story is about the upcoming election and I thought this would be funny. I'm currently reading Animal Farm by George Orwell so I took inspiration from that. Enjoy! 😀


I care about Nithsdale more than anywhere else (apart from the treat cupboard.) It’s where I was born and has been my home ever since. More importantly, I care about the welfare of pets and all animals. Which is why, as a member of the Society Of Dogs party (S.O.D) I encourage you to elect me as your representative in the Scottish Parliament, on 6th of May 2021.

All animals are equal (but some are more equal than others, in the case of cats.)  Personally, I think Old Major had the right idea. Animals are not the slaves of humans and we can think for ourselves. It is now time, comrades, that we take our place as equal members of society.

I have a dream comrades. I have a dream that one day my four legged friends will not be judged by the colour of their fur but by the content of their character. And I hope, comrades, that you will support me so that this dream can become reality.

 Through uniting the animals, I will revolutionise Scotland and fill every Scottish animal’s life with fairness and unity and always put my constituents before myself. These are some of my pledges:

If your pet is under 6yrs of age you will be able to apply for the Scottish Pet Payment (S.P.P) Anyone can apply for this as long as the animal you register is not a cat. No cats allowed. Food, the burning of leads, dental care, toys, blankets, beds or even family outings can all be funded by S.P.P. Every two weeks, £10 will be transferred to your bank account to help look after your dog, rabbit, bird, snake, or polar bear, but not cats. If S.P.P appeals to you, vote Basil, the pooch who is proud to support Scottish pets, but not not cats, those demons of the underworld.

Every pet owner has the legal obligation to look after their furry friends. The Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006 was approved so that every owner has a legal responsibility for their animals.  In the Welfare of Dogs: Code of Practice it states that your dog should be well trained and have enough exercise. But I pledge to extend this list to include that all animals should have a reasonable education. It is a human right that every person must receive an education, so why not animals? Wouldn’t you like your pet to be able to multiply like a calculator, whenever you can’t be bothered to figure a sum out yourself? Or be better behaved at the dinner than even Queen Elizabark? I will build new schools for all animals. Even cats, just as long as they bark. If you want your pet to be as edyoo educated as me, vote Basil, the best of them all.

Yours Sincerely,

Basil Owens

Founding member of the S.O.D party

A World Divided

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