Saturday, March 6, 2021


 I got the inspiration for this story from the story called Songbirds by Nayanika Basu in the book Stay at Home! To read this story visit:

I hope you enjoy it! 😀

Image-of-the-Day by Subject


Blue Tit: Hi Robin, strange year.

Robin: Aye, the big beardie yin’s still workin frae his nest – starin at the pecking machine.

Blue Tit: Ken, it’s coz the cock o’ the walk’s telt them a’ tae stay at hame.

Robin: Whit?

Blue Tit: Whaur ye been? I’m talkin aboot their heid gaffer, the yin on the telly! Ye ken? The yin that bobs her heed feathers aboot like yin ae us!

Robin: Oh aye! D’ye ken whit I saw yisterday at nummer 12?

Blue Tit: Whit?

Robin: See the weans? The wee’est yin’s been puttin that stripey tie roon his neck and donnerin aff with his schull bag oan his back.

Blue Tit: Ah huvney seen him.

Robin: Aye, weel he gets up early and disnae come back tae the efternoon. Yer ey late tae the feeders.

Blue Tit: Tee tee! Weel his maw’s forgoat tae put maer sunfloor seed oot, so I’m no in a hurry! Wis he wearin yin o’ them daft coupen coverings?

Robin: Aye, and a fat loat o’ help it’ll dae him! He’s ey munchin oan snacks and has tae take it aff every 5 meenits! The biggest wean’s still at hame. She’s starin at the wee screen that’s ey stuck tae her haun!

Blue Tit:  Ken! And their Maw’s a bit obsessed – cleanin doorknobs and the like, ken?

Robin: But they dinnae hink o’ us dae they?!

Blue Tit: Whit ye oan aboot?

Robin: Weel, ye see her cleanin ivryhing – but huv they ever cleaned oor feeders? Naw!

Blue Tit: Fair point! But huv ye heard the lassie singin?  

Robin: Whit lassie?

Blue Tit: The fair haired yin! She’s singin aw the time noo. Nae mare rock songs – braw ballads – lovely!

Robin: Ah hink ah kin hear her.

Blue Tit: Aye, that’s her! Noo wheesht and listen!

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